2024 Lok Sabha elections to take place on 16th April ? Find out more.

2024 Lok Sabha elections to take place on 16th April ? Find out more.

2024 Lok Sabha elections to take place on 16th April ? Find out more.

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The Chief Electoral Office in New Delhi has said through a statement that the tentative date for the 2024 Lok Sabha General Election is 16th April 2024.

As per further information through the statement addressed to the District Election Officers (DEOs), All 11 Districts, National Capital Territory (NCT) Delhi & issued by T. Misao, Assistant Chief Electoral Officer, Office of The Chief Electoral Officer, New Delhi,

“Election Planner issued by the Election Commission of India (ECI) in which various activities in the build up to the election have been given along with the timelines/ duration for each activity to start and to be completed. For the ensuing General Election to the Lok Sabha 2024, the Commission has tentatively given the Poll Day as 16.04.2024 for the purpose of reference and to calculate Start and End dates in the Election Planner.”

The statement further reads “It is also to inform you that on every Start and End Date of each activity, a notification is sent from the Election Planner Portal to CEO Delhi through SMS & email. The status of each activity is required to be updated/ marked as Pending/ In Progress/ Scheduled/ Completed depending on the reports received from the DEOS/ROS and concerned Branches at CEO (HQ).”

The statement further says “In this regard, I am directed to request you to kindly adhere to the given timelines for initiating and completing each election activity mentioned in the Election Planner and sent a report to COE Branch, office of CEO, Delhi on email id [email protected] at least one day prior to the Start and End dates of the activity(s).”

Shreyas Vange
