AAP demands strict action against SPPU Registrar

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The Registrar of Savitribai Phule Pune University misappropriated over 18 Lakh Rupees from the University Funds despite the salary being paid by the government ; alleged Aam Aadmi Party, Pune

Pune: The amount illegally appropriated by the Registrar, Savitribai Phule Pune University should get impounded with a case filed for his deeds, demands Aam Aadmi Party to the new Vice-Chancellor Dr Karbhari Kale.

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Savitribai Phule Pune University, which has tripled its student fees due to a shortage of funds, is feeding corrupt administrative officials. Corruption and chaos dominate Pune University. The university administration having tripled the amount the students pay, now also favours to charge user fees for entering the campus. But they never get in the way to stop the financial reserves from being squandered by illegal decisions of the Registrar.


In the letter written to the new vice chancellor, AAP Pune has mentioned, ‘The higher education department has clarified that the Rs 50,000 per month taken by Praful Pawar from the university fund for the last three years is illegal. Dr. Prakash Bachhav, Joint Director of Education (Higher Education) Maharashtra State had reported this matter to the Vice-Chancellor of Pune University vide letter no. युएनआय / २०१९ / कुलसचिव-वेतनसंरक्षण / साफुपुवि/विशि-१ dated 5th April 2022. In this letter, regarding Dr. Prafulla Pawar, the government states that “Unauthorized salary benefits are not payable to the concerned person from government or university funds. Hence, as per the section 8(1)(k) of 2016, the request put forth by Vice Chancellor cannot be accepted.’

However, former Vice-Chancellor Nitin Karmalkar shook hands with Dr Praful Pawar and did not take any action against him for his wrongdoing. Demanding that the new Vice-Chancellor now start a campaign to end corruption in Pune University, the Aam Aadmi Party delegation met the newly appointed the Vice Chancellor, added Abhijit More, spokesperson, AAP Pune city.

The embezzlement of more than Rs 18 lakh directly from the University Fund is unfortunate. In the memorandum given by the Aam Aadmi Party to the newly appointed Vice-Chancellor, Dr Karbhari Kale, it has been requested that a case be registered against Dr Praful Pawar for misappropriation of university funds.

Aam Aadmi Party State Spokesperson Dr Abhijit More, Journalist Deepak Jadhav, AAP leaders – Vidyanand Nayak, Professor Suhas Pawar, Rohan Rokade, Archbishop Sinha and Shrikant Mishra (Present – Alumni Study Group), Anil Gaikwad (Students Action Committee) were present.

The Aam Aadmi Party congratulated the new Vice-Chancellor and urged him to start the cleanliness drive against corruption in Savitribai Phule Pune University administration. They have been notified that if the University administration doesn’t take action against Dr Praful Pawar, the Aam Aadmi Party shall start with an agitation.
