All about 100-Day cough symptoms. Know more here. 

All about 100-Day cough symptoms. Know more here. 

All about 100-Day cough symptoms. Know more here. 

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The term “100-day cough” is synonymous with whooping cough, medically known as pertussis. This highly contagious respiratory infection, caused by Bordetella pertussis bacteria, earned its nickname due to the prolonged duration of symptoms lasting for weeks or even months.

Whooping cough begins with symptoms resembling a common cold, such as a runny nose and sore throat. However, it progresses through distinct stages, featuring severe coughing fits that conclude with a distinctive ‘whooping’ sound during inhalation. The disease poses a particular threat to infants, who may face complications, making vaccination a crucial preventive measure.

Despite vaccination efforts, outbreaks can occur, as seen in England and Wales, where 2024 witnessed the largest whooping cough outbreak in the first months of the year in at least a decade. Newborns and infants under six months are at a heightened risk of complications, including dehydration, breathing difficulties, and pneumonia, with a 3% fatality rate in newborns.

The progression of whooping cough involves initial cold-like symptoms, evolving into intense coughing fits, often leading to vomiting and exhaustion. The contagious nature of the disease underscores the importance of vaccination. The DTP vaccine, covering Diphtheria, Tetanus, and Pertussis, is administered to infants and young children. Boosters are recommended for adolescents and adults, while pregnant individuals receive the vaccine during each pregnancy to pass on protective antibodies.

In India, the DTP vaccine is pivotal for preventing whooping cough. It is administered to children under 7 years, as the Pertussis vaccine is only licensed for this age group. Beyond seven years, a booster dose of DT, covering Diphtheria and Tetanus, is recommended every 10 years to maintain immunity. Practicing good respiratory hygiene further aids in reducing the spread of the bacteria responsible for whooping cough.
