AFMC Pune to host Armed Forces Medical Conference from February 1 to 3 

AFMC Pune to host Armed Forces Medical Conference from February 1 to 3

AFMC Pune to host Armed Forces Medical Conference from February 1 to 3

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The 72nd Armed Forces Medical Conference will be held from 01 – 03 Feb 2024 at Armed Forces Medical College, Pune. This one of its kind multi-specialty conglomeration of Medical, Dental and Nursing professionals from the tri services i.e. the Army, Navy and the Air Force will have subject experts participating from all over the country.

The Armed Forces Medical Services (AFMS) is ever committed to providing holistic healthcare services to guardians of our nation across the land, sea and the skies. The AFMS leaves no stone unturned in delivering preventive, promotive, diagnostic, curative and rehabilitative services to our soldiers even in the remotest of the locations.  

Lt Gen Daljit Singh, AVSM, VSM, PHS, Director General Armed Forces Medical Services (DGAFMS) & Senior Colonel Commandant, Army Medical Corps will be formally inaugurating the conference on 02 Feb 2024 at AFMC, Pune.  Eminent doctors from various fields of medicine from nationally and internationally renowned institutes and armed forces will be sharing their experiences with the delegates.

The conference is also an opportunity to acknowledge and award outstanding performances by AFMS fraternity in academics, research, medical writing and reviewing.  

The AFMS think tank consistently endeavors to deliberate upon contemporary healthcare concerns and challenges with an eye on the future. ‘Perspective Challenges’ session by domain experts during the conference will be one such forum for these deliberations.    

The AFMS conducts training in numerous disciplines at various institutions all across the country. To align the policies, curriculum and other issues related to academic training across the AFMS to address the contemporary and futuristic organizational and national needs, the Armed Forces Medical Academic Committee (AFMAC) meeting is conducted during the conference. Chaired by the DGAFMS, the meeting will be attended by senior dignitaries of the AFMS. Lt Gen Madhuri Kanitkar, PVSM, AVSM, VSM (Retd), Honorable Vice Chancellor, Maharashtra University of Health Sciences (MUHS), Nashik and Dr Vinayak Kale, Dean, BJ Medical College, Pune will also be attending the same.

Parallel sessions of Specialists conferences will offer opportunity to the various specialists to discuss their domain specific academic training and research issues and will be part of the conference proceedings on 01 Feb 2024.

Healthcare research has always been an inherent part of the ever ready, strong & robust AFMS and Armed Forces Medical Conference has been an integral part of the preparedness of the AFMS to address any healthcare need of the armed forces and our nation.  

The conference is being organized under the guidance of Lt Gen Narendra Kotwal, AVSM, SM, VSM, Director & Commandant, AFMC and Maj Gen D Vivekanand, SM, Dean & Deputy Commandant, AFMC.
