Bored of Eating Chicken? Here Are Other Healthy Food Options to Source Your Daily Protein From

Bored of Eating Chicken? Here Are Other Healthy Food Options to Source Your Daily Protein From

Bored of Eating Chicken? Here Are Other Healthy Food Options to Source Your Daily Protein From

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Explore these high protein options if you have become fed up with chicken.

29 May 2024

By Khushi Maheshwari 

Talking about protein intake with customers who mostly get their protein from chicken and beef is a common occurrence. Even though these are great sources of protein, there are a ton of other foods that are high in protein that only need to be discovered. In addition to offering diversity to your diet, diversifying your sources of protein guarantees that you’re obtaining a greater spectrum of nutrients.

There are many scrumptious and nutrient-dense options to consider when introducing legumes, seafood, plant-based substitutes, nuts and seeds, or dairy products into your diet.

  1. Legumes: Legumes, including beans, lentils and chickpeas, are nutritional powerhouses, particularly for those seeking plant-based protein sources. Packed with essential nutrients like fibre, vitamins and minerals, legumes offer a substantial protein punch without the saturated fat found in animal-based proteins. Their protein content is comparable to meat and dairy, making them a valuable option for vegetarians and vegans. Additionally, legumes boast a low glycemic index, promoting stable blood sugar levels. Incorporating legumes into meals not only enhances protein intake but also supports overall health, offering a sustainable and versatile approach to meeting dietary protein needs.
  1. Seafood: Seafood is renowned for its rich protein content and array of health benefits. From fatty fish like salmon and mackerel to lean options such as cod and tuna, seafood offers a diverse range of protein sources. Notably, fish is considered a complete protein, providing all essential amino acids crucial for bodily functions and muscle repair. Moreover, seafood is low in saturated fat and high in omega-3 fatty acids, promoting heart health and reducing inflammation. Shellfish like shrimp, crab and oysters are also notable protein sources, offering a variety of vitamins and minerals like zinc and selenium essential for immune function and metabolism. Including seafood in a balanced diet supports muscle development, aids in weight management and contributes to overall well-being. However, sourcing sustainably harvested seafood is vital to preserve marine ecosystems and ensure long-term availability of these nutritious protein options.
  1. Tofu: Tofu stands as a versatile and nutritious alternative to chicken, offering a myriad of benefits. Firstly, tofu is rich in protein, containing all nine essential amino acids vital for bodily functions, making it an excellent substitute for those seeking plant-based or meat-free options. Moreover, tofu is low in saturated fat and cholesterol, promoting heart health and aiding weight management. Its versatility in texture and flavour allows for diverse culinary applications, mimicking the versatility of chicken in various recipes, from stir-fries to sandwiches.

Furthermore, tofu is a sustainable choice, requiring fewer resources like water and land compared to chicken production, thereby reducing environmental impact. Additionally, tofu is often more affordable, making it accessible to a broader range of consumers. Beyond its nutritional profile and environmental benefits, tofu is also suitable for individuals with dietary restrictions, such as vegetarians, vegans and those with allergies to animal proteins. With its nutritional prowess, culinary adaptability and eco-friendly footprint, tofu emerges as a commendable alternative protein source to chicken.

  1. Nuts and Seeds: Nuts and seeds are not only delicious snacks but also valuable sources of protein, offering numerous health benefits. Almonds, for instance, are packed with protein, containing approximately 6 grams per ounce, along with essential nutrients like fibre, vitamin E and healthy fats. Similarly, peanuts provide around 7 grams of protein per ounce, contributing to muscle repair and growth. Additionally, seeds such as chia seeds and flaxseeds are rich in protein and omega-3 fatty acids, supporting heart health and reducing inflammation in the body. Furthermore, pumpkin seeds and sunflower seeds boast impressive protein content, offering approximately 5-7 grams per ounce, along with minerals like magnesium, zinc and iron. These nutrients are essential for energy production, immune function and overall well-being. Incorporating a variety of nuts and seeds into your diet can help diversify your protein intake while providing a host of essential vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. Whether enjoyed as a snack, added to salads, or used in cooking and baking, nuts and seeds offer a convenient and nutritious way to meet your daily protein needs.
  1. Cottage Cheese: And last, let’s not forget about dairy goods like cottage cheese and Greek yogurt. They are high in protein, but also include probiotics and calcium, both of which are good for the gut. While cottage cheese tastes well in both sweet and savoury recipes, Greek yogurt is great on its own or as a creamy base for smoothies, dips and salads.