Collision Between IndiGo and Air India Express At Kolkata Airport Causes Wingtip Damage

Collision Between IndiGo and Air India Express At Kolkata Airport Causes Wingtip Damage

Collision Between IndiGo and Air India Express At Kolkata Airport Causes Wingtip Damage

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A harrowing incident occurred at Kolkata Airport as a Darbhanga-bound IndiGo aircraft collided with a stationary Air India Express flight while taxiing. 

The collision resulted in damage to the wingtips of both aircraft. The wing tips of both IndiGo and Air India Express aircraft were damaged in the incident, prompting an immediate investigation by the Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA). Fortunately, there were no injuries reported among the passengers onboard either aircraft, but the close call raised concerns about safety protocols at the airport.

According to reports, the IndiGo aircraft, carrying 135 passengers, including four infants, was taxiing when it struck the stationary Air India Express flight, which was awaiting clearance to enter the runway. The impact caused a part of the Air India Express aircraft’s wing to fall onto the runway, while the wing of the IndiGo aircraft sustained noticeable dents.

In response to the incident, the DGCA off-rostered both pilots of the IndiGo A320 VT-ISS and initiated a detailed investigation. The ground staff involved will also be questioned as part of the inquiry. Both aircraft have been grounded for thorough inspection to assess the extent of the damage and ensure passenger safety.

IndiGo promptly issued a statement acknowledging the incident and confirming that an incident report had been filed with the DGCA. 

“A minor graze between a taxiing IndiGo aircraft and that of another carrier was reported from Kolkata Airport. The aircraft returned to bay for inspection and necessary action, as per protocol,” IndiGo said in a statement

Passengers onboard the affected flight were provided with refreshments, and arrangements were made for an alternative aircraft. The airline assured that passenger safety remains its top priority and pledged to cooperate fully with the investigation.

Similarly, Air India Express expressed regret for the inconvenience caused to its passengers and stated that further investigation was underway in coordination with regulatory and airport authorities. 

The incident report from Kolkata Airport highlighted the damage sustained by both aircraft, emphasizing the need for a comprehensive assessment and corrective measures to prevent such incidents in the future.
