Crypto Trader in Pune Falls Victim to Scam: Loses Rs 2.5 Lakh to Fake Job Offer on Social Media

Crypto Trader in Pune Falls Victim to Scam: Loses Rs 2.5 Lakh to Fake Job Offer on Social Media

Crypto Trader in Pune Falls Victim to Scam: Loses Rs 2.5 Lakh to Fake Job Offer on Social Media

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A 22-year-old product designer and crypto trader from Pune found himself grappling with a significant loss of Rs 2.5 lakh from his cryptocurrency wallet after being ensnared by a fraudulent scheme originating from a social media encounter. Naved Alam, recounting his ordeal, revealed that the deception commenced with an enticing job offer he received through X, a platform yet to be identified.

“It started with a promising opportunity when a user with the handle @crankybugatti on Twitter reached out to me regarding a design role in a company associated with a web3 communication app named Social Spectra,” Alam revealed.

Alam’s misfortune unfolded dramatically at 2 am on a Saturday when he innocently downloaded an application recommended by his potential employer. Little did he know, this action would lead to the loss of his hard-earned funds.

“The conversation initially appeared legitimate as we transitioned to Discord. Routine design inquiries were made, and my portfolio was well-received. Subsequently, I was directed to an HR call, and a link was provided for joining. However, unbeknownst to me, it was a meticulously laid trap,” Alam lamented.

The seemingly innocuous application, purportedly for internal communication purposes, turned out to be a malicious software that swiftly siphoned Alam’s cryptocurrency reserves and liquidated his staked assets. 

“In a matter of moments, I lost $3000, roughly equivalent to Rs 2.5 lakh, to scammers preying on unsuspecting individuals seeking genuine opportunities,” Alam recounted with a sense of betrayal.

Despite promptly reporting the user and blocking the associated account, Alam has refrained from filing a formal police complaint, raising questions about the efficacy of legal recourse in such cybercrimes. This incident serves as a stark reminder of the risks lurking within the digital realm, underscoring the importance of vigilance and skepticism when navigating online interactions, especially those involving financial transactions and personal information.
