Did you know about WhatsApp’s new features?

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To improve the instant messaging service platform’s user experience, a number of significant changes are all set to be introduced soon.

WhatsApp has become ‘the way’ for a majority of people to connect with each other. The App has literally made our communications channels simpler. It has been more than a decade, since the App was incorporated and it has truly become an integral part of our everyday life. WhatsApp owned by Meta has announced that it is coming up with five major features, which has brought smiles on the faces of the users.

To improve the instant messaging service platform’s user experience, a number of significant changes are all set to be introduced soon.

We are all quick in pouring our heart out in terms of messages. Now, you have an option to think again. WhatsApp users may soon be able to edit messages even after sending.

The next feature is that groups on WhatsApp can now have up to 1,024 members. The feature will be made available to a select group of beta testers of the WhatsApp beta for Android and iOS. WhatsApp has also started testing a new feature that would let users send documents with captions to each other for Android users. Every WhatsApp should be able to use the new feature soon.

Another key feature is ‘screenshot blocking’ for view-once images and videos to some beta testers. The feature is available to some beta testers who download the most recent beta from the Play Store.

WhatsApp has started premium subscription tiers for some businesses. The prices of which has not been disclosed, and may probably vary as per the location.

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