Employee Union of Bank of Maharashtra stage dharna at Lokmangal

All India Bank of Maharashtra Employees Federation (AIBOMEF), Bank of Maharashtra Karmachari Mahasangh (BOMKM), Bank of Maharashtra Karmachari Sena (BOMKS) and Mahabank Navnirman Sena (MNS) jointly held a protest raising several demands.
The demands raised by the employee unions were :
1. Recruitment of PTS by absorption of temporary or outsourced employees
2. Recruitment of Sub-staff by converting part time Sub-staff to full-time
3. Adequate recruitment of clerks
4. Withdrawal of administrative transfer policy
5. Security arrangements at Branches/ATMs.
All the employees are united under the leadership of Dhananjay Kulkarni, Convener of United Forum of Employees of BOM, Shailesh Tilekar of AIBOMEF, Ravindra Joshi of BOMKM, Anant Sawant of BOMKS, Manmohan Raja Patil of MNS.
Dhananjay Kulkarni said, “The bank’s turnover and profits are increasing. In the banking sector, Mahabank is considered as the best bank. The contribution of every employee is notable. Employees are doing well despite the uncertainty everywhere due to privatization, Covid19 pandemic. The bank is not recruiting clerical staff. Also, vacancies are created due to several reasons such as death, resignation, retirement and promotion of employees, which have not been filled by holding recruitment drives. This has resulted into work pressure among the employees and is hampering the customer service too. Employees are facing limitations but even after this they are performing their best. Therefore, it is necessary to recruit clerical staff as soon as possible, withdrawal of administrative transfer policy, provide security at branches and ATMs and other demands.”
Ravindra Joshi said, “These demands are being pursued continuously. Earlier, we celebrated demand’s day by wearing a badge for a day raising our demands. We also appealed by writing to the senior authorities by all branch staff, Dharna & Mass Deputation at all Zos, Twitter Campaign tagging MD-CEO & FM Secretary DFS. Today, we sat for agitation at Lokmangal office near Shivaji Nagar. If our demands are not fulfilled we will go on one day All India Strike on 27th September 2021. Instead of this, demands not fulfilled then we will do Two days All India Strike in October. All the employees have united to wake up the insensitive bank management.”