How to make travel with pets smoother and enjoyable ? 

How to make travel with pets smoother and enjoyable ?

How to make travel with pets smoother and enjoyable ?

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Traveling with pets can be a rewarding experience with the right preparation and considerations.  

Pune Pulse asked recommendation from Priyancka Patkki, who is in the pet training industry for the last 17 years for ensuring comfort and safety of our furry friends while traveling. 

She recommended to equip crate with familiar items like toys and bedding. 

Apart from packing essentials like a first aid kit and your pet’s favorite food and familiar toys, you could need- bowls, food, treats, toys, extra leashes, SOS medicines, blanket, bedsheets, hair brush, towel, dryer- simply anything that you can think of so that you are fully prepared for any situation, she added.

To avoid Motion sickness she said, take care about feeding during travel. Do not feed your dogs a few hours before travel. You can give a small cup of curd or a couple of treats to avoid acidity. You can offer a little bit of water through the travel just enough to stay hydrated. If the motion sickness is severe then consult your veterinarian for medication.

She also emphasized to get pets trained for the crate if you plan to travel by flight. Sometimes even for the car/ train you can use their travel crates so that they feel more comfortable. 

Crates are also a blessing if you need to leave your pet behind in the hotel for a short while during your travel as your dog will always be settled in their portable homes aka crates! 

Follow these tips to make your travel with furry friends a relaxing and enjoyable one: 

1. Prepare in Advance: Ensure your pet is comfortable with travel by taking short trips beforehand.

2. Vet Check-up: Visit the vet for a health check and ensure vaccinations are up to date.

3. Identification: Use a secure collar with an ID tag and consider microchipping your pet.

4. Travel Crate: Use a well-ventilated, secure crate or carrier for safety during transportation.

5. Familiar Items: Bring your pet’s favorite toys, bedding, and food to provide a sense of comfort.

6. Regular Breaks: Plan for breaks during long journeys for your pet to stretch, relieve themselves, and stay hydrated.

7. Secure Car Travel: If driving, use a pet seat belt or a secured crate to prevent injuries.

8. Air Travel Regulations: If flying, familiarize yourself with airline pet policies and regulations.

9. Accommodations: Book pet-friendly accommodations in advance and inform them of your pet’s presence.

10. Emergency Kit: Pack a pet-specific first aid kit, including any necessary medications.

11. Training: Ensure your pet is trained for travel-related commands, making the journey smoother.

12. Research Destination: Look into local pet facilities, parks, and veterinary services at your destination.

Don’t forget though that every pet is unique, so tailor these tips to your pet’s individual needs and preferences. 

Begin small, by acclimating your pet to the idea of travel through short trips and visits to the vet for a health check.