Koregaon Park tree-cutting meeting: Timing revised to 3 pm; Check details

Koregaon Park tree-cutting meeting: Timing revised to 3 pm; Check details

Koregaon Park tree-cutting meeting: Timing revised to 3 pm; Check details

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The timing of the Pune Municipal Corporation (PMC) & residents’ meet, regarding Koregaon Park tree felling, has been changed to 3 pm on January 25 (as opposed to the earlier time of 11 am.)

As per further information shared by a resident, the PMC Commissioner has agreed to meet Koregaon Park residents due to the overwhelming 1586 signatures of Koregaon Park residents strongly objecting to this haphazard & senseless chopping of trees within Koregaon Park.

The resident further shares that it may well be, but these decisions seem to be completely unilateral without alternative solutions that can circumvent the cutting and chopping of heritage trees along the road. Hence, they are asking for alternative solutions via overhead bridges and traffic diversions, one-way traffic modulation, and many other creative solutions that can reduce traffic congestion whilst retaining the oxygen-generating green cover of the area and the city.

The resident continues that this tree felling is & will always remain for years to come, a gross violation of the right to clean fresh air, not to mention violations of many laws such as the Tree Act, The Forest Act, and perhaps a host of other conservation rights.

Hence, everyone is appealed to attend this meeting in large numbers at 3 pm on  January 25 (today) at PMC Dhole Patil Road Ward Office.

Shreyas Vange
