Proposal for Schengen Visa Fee Hike in 2024, Expected Increase by 12.5%

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In the coming months, individuals applying for a Schengen visa may face a price hike, as proposed by the European Commission. The proposal suggests an increase in the basic fee for a Schengen visa in 2024. 

Furthermore, the commission is considering an additional raise for countries displaying “insufficient cooperation on readmission,” referring to nations that do not adequately cooperate in accepting individuals expelled from Schengen member states.

The Schengen area, consisting of 27 European member countries, operates under a common visa policy for international travel. Citizens of these member countries can travel within the Schengen area for up to 90 days without requiring a visa. 

However, citizens from non-European Union member countries, including South Africa, India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, and China, need Schengen visas for travel. Notably, citizens of Britain, Canada, the United States, and Australia are exempt from Schengen visa requirements.

If the proposal is accepted, the cost of obtaining a Schengen visa will rise by 12.5%, increasing from €80 to €90 for adults and from €40 to €45 for children. Additionally, the visa fee for children from countries showing insufficient cooperation in readmission will see an increase from €120 to €135, and for adults, it will rise from €160 to €180.

The European Commission presented the draft of the Schengen visa fee on February 2, and feedback will be accepted until March 1. The proposal cites the rising inflation rate in the EU as a reason for the price hike. External providers of Schengen visas will also be allowed to increase their fees in line with the proposed revision. 

External providers, such as visa agencies, will be permitted to charge a maximum fee of €45, up from the earlier €40. However, the fee for a Schengen visa extension will remain fixed at €30.
