Pune BRT: Vandanatai Chavan reacts against closure of Pune BRT route

Her comments come at the time when the police commissioner has given a letter to the Municipal Corporation asking them to close the BRTS though the PMPML commissioner has given a letter asking the routes not to be closed.
Former Pune Mayor Vandana Tai Chavan is against the closing of the Bus rapid transit (BRT) system as she feels a large number of people depend on the system for their daily travel.

Sharing her thoughts, Vandanatai said, “Pune is getting urbanized rapidly. We have to realize that the number of private vehicles is increasing. Currently we don’t have a competent public transport system and having a competent public transport system is the only solution to deal with the situation as the pollution level in Pune is increasing day by day. A large number of people depend on BRTS.”

Her comments come at the time when the police commissioner has given a letter to the Municipal Corporation asking them to close the BRTS though the PMPML commissioner has given a letter asking the routes not to be closed.
The municipal corporation is yet to take a decision on this and also, announce the alternative so that citizens are not inconvenienced.
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