Pune Mayor stresses on planned and phase wise unlocking of restrictions

Pune Municipal Corporation mayor Murlidhar Mohol in the weekly review meeting held at the Pune Council Hall suggested that phasewise planned unlocking of restrictions will be ideal. In view of the surge in Mucormycosis cases, Vaccination for 18 and above should begin, unjustified school fees and fixing the cost of Vaccination at the private hospitals were some of the important points raised by him at the meeting. He said the state government should rethink on the strategy on unlocking keeping in mind these issues and start phasewise unlocking a Covid19 cases are showing downward trend.
The review meeting was attended by state health minister Rajesh Tope.
Mayor Murlidhar Mohol of Pune Municipal Corporation also shared our demand of allowing essential services to remain open on Saturday and Sunday between 7 am – 11 am was also approved. It was also suggested that proper planning should be executed to unlock restrictions and Vaccination for 18 and above as this age group might be the super spreader of Covid19.
Another important issue of unjustified school fees was raised. Despite schools remaining closed, the schools are overcharging and compelling parents to accept their unjustified demands. Strict action against such schools was raised.
Rise in Mucormycosis in patients is a reason to worry. The state government must take stern steps and provide the vital injections to the hospitals.

“Another important issue of hike in price of Vaccination by private hospitals must be regulated. Several private hospitals are charging Rs 1200 to patients. I demanded that all Hospitals should charge uniform rate for Vaccination,” added Mohol.