Pune: MPCB Asks PMC To Take Steps To Curb Pollution 

Pune: MPCB Asks PMC To Take Steps To Curb Pollution 

Pune: MPCB Asks PMC To Take Steps To Curb Pollution 

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Officials from the Maharashtra Pollution Control Board and Pune Municipal Corporation discuss pollution control measures during a meeting at the MPCB office.

Following a significant increase in air and water pollution, the Maharashtra Pollution Control Board (MPCB) and Pune Municipal Corporation (PMC) convened on Tuesday to strategize on enforcing pollution control regulations more effectively. The meeting was attended by officials from various PMC departments, including solid waste management, drainage, and environment. The focus was on taking immediate action against polluters.

During the discussions, emphasis was placed on strict adherence to solid waste management rules, addressing domestic wastewater treatment, the ban on single-use plastics, and tackling air pollution issues. “We have noted illegal waste burning, sometimes involving sanitary staff. This must stop immediately as it breaches our pollution norms,” stated Ravindra Andhale, regional officer of MPCB, Pune. He highlighted the need for PMC to generate quarterly reports detailing their pollution control efforts across various fronts, including the Mula-Mutha River’s pollution, waste disposal, and noise management.

Andhale also pointed out the mixing of domestic waste with water in the Mula-Mutha River due to insufficient treatment facilities. “We expect PMC to devise a permanent solution to prevent this pollution,” he remarked.

The PMC has taken significant steps to bridge the gap in wastewater treatment. Manisha Shekatkar, superintending engineer of PMC, informed, “Currently, Pune has 10 sewage treatment plants with a capacity of 477 MLD, against a generation of 883 MLD. To address this, we are adding 10 more STPs.”

Additionally, Sandip Kadam, head of the solid waste management department, noted that efforts against illegal waste burning and using single-use plastics are underway, with further actions planned after the upcoming elections.

The joint meeting underscored a collaborative approach between MPCB and PMC, aiming for a robust action plan to curb the rising pollution, ensuring a cleaner and healthier environment for Pune’s residents.
