Pune Municipal Corporation Cuts Water Supply to Recover Property Tax Arrears From Defaulters

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The Pune Municipal Corporation (PMC) has resorted to a controversial tactic in an attempt to recover property tax arrears, cutting off water supply to non-paying citizens. This move has sparked outrage among residents who are already grappling with irregular water supply during the scorching summer months.

As the PMC faces mounting financial pressure, it has intensified efforts to boost revenue, including focusing on recovering outstanding property tax dues. Despite a significant increase in property tax revenue, the arrears have surpassed Rs 10,000 crore, with various government institutions, commercial entities, and individuals owing substantial sums.

To address this issue, the Property Tax Department has initiated direct water cutoffs as a means of enforcement. However, this action has drawn criticism from citizens who argue that it unfairly targets ordinary residents while some affluent entities with large tax liabilities remain unaffected.

The water cutoffs have left many residents without access to basic amenities, forcing them to resort to alternative sources for water. Some have criticized the PMC’s approach, suggesting that it disproportionately impacts common citizens who owe relatively small amounts of tax.

While the Property Tax Department has defended its actions as necessary for revenue recovery, there is concern over the lack of coordination with the PMC’s water supply department. Officials from the water supply department have stated that they were not informed or consulted before the water cutoffs were implemented, raising questions about the legality and effectiveness of the approach.

Overall, the PMC’s decision to cut water supply for tax recovery has stirred controversy and highlighted the challenges faced by local authorities in balancing financial obligations with the welfare of residents.
