Pune News : BMCC College hosts book exhibition till February 9

The Brihan Maharashtra College of Commerce (BMCC) is holding an exhibition on books till Februaru 9. The exhibition was inaugurated by noted writer Leena Sohoni.
She stressed the importance of developing a reading culture from a young age and encouraged the youngsters to become literati by developing qualities such as clarity of thought, persuasiveness, and extensive reading. The exhibition, organized by the Deccan Education Society (DES), will run till next Thursday (February 9) and will be open to the public from 10 am to 5 pm.

A 50% percent discount on book purchases will be offered to students. The exhibition was attended by DES Executive Prof. Dhananjay Kulkarni, Manager Dr. Savita Kelkar, Principal Dr. Jagdish Lanjekar, and Head of Library, Asma Bagwan.