Pune News : Central Railways Implements Monsoon Precautions to Ensure Uninterrupted Service on Pune to Mumbai Route

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Central Railways (CR) has taken comprehensive precautionary measures along the entire Pune to Mumbai train route to guarantee a smooth and uninterrupted railway service during the monsoon season.

These precautions aim to address potential challenges, ensuring the safety and convenience of passengers and minimizing the risk of service disruptions.

Dr. Ramdas Bhise, Divisional Commercial Manager (DCM) and PRO Pune Railways, explained the various measures put in place, encompassing critical points such as ghat sections tunnel portals, rockfall barriers, boulder netting, solid fencing, steel girders, gabion walls, micro pilling, and the deployment of patrolmen equipped with GPS and other necessary materials. Additionally, CCTVs have been installed to monitor crucial locations and gather relevant footage.

As part of the monsoon preparations, CR has appointed 28 patrolpersons, stationed 71 watchmen, and undertaken extensive cleaning of drains along the tracks. A total of 21.9 kms of yard drain, 77.75 kms of track drain, and 19.85 kms of catch water drain have been cleaned.

The route from Pune to Mumbai features 25 vulnerable spots, each with its specific reason for being susceptible to monsoon-related issues. These spots include deep cuttings, boulder fall locations, flood-prone areas, and bridges with insufficient waterways.

The diligent implementation of these precautionary measures by Central Railways underscores their commitment to providing a safe and efficient rail service, especially during challenging weather conditions. By addressing potential vulnerabilities along the route, CR aims to minimize the impact of the monsoon on train services, ensuring a smooth and hassle-free travel experience for commuters.