Pune : PMC slaps Rs 500 fine for littering in public places

garbage dumping

Pune : PMC slaps Rs 500 fine for littering in public places

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Starting today in Pune, if you throw trash on the streets, you’ll have to pay a bigger fine of Rs 500, up from Rs 180. The Pune Municipal Corporation wants to stop people from littering, so they’ve increased the penalty.

PMC hopes this will make people think twice before throwing trash around.The idea to raise fines came from the PMC’s solid waste management department. The proposal got the green light in a meeting led by PMC’s top boss, Vikram Kumar.

The goal is to make people stop littering by making them pay more if they get caught.Before, if you littered or did other things like spitting or not sorting your trash, you’d get fined Rs 180. But even with that fine, people kept littering.

The PMC thinks raising the fine will help stop this bad habit. Sandeep Kadam, who heads the waste department, thinks the bigger fine will make people think twice before littering.But some people aren’t convinced. They think just raising the fine a bit won’t really change people’s behavior much. They say we might need bigger changes to really make our city cleaner.
