Pune : PMC’s proposal to cut 6,000 trees for River Rejuvenation project awaits government’s nod

Pune Pulse RFD Pune
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The proposed River Revival Project by the Pune Municipal Corporation (PMC) aims to develop the banks of the Mula-Mutha River passing through the city. The project includes the deepening of the river, pitching along the river banks, and the creation of parks, jogging tracks, cycle tracks, recreational centers, and tree plantations. The project also aims to remove silt in some areas and provide boating facilities.

However, the proposed cutting of 6,000 trees along the river banks has faced opposition from environmentalists who have returned the municipal award and carried out the Chipko movement in protest.

The PMC has stated that the project will be implemented while taking care not to violate the flood line and the environment and by obtaining permissions from all related departments. The project is worth around Rs 4,700 crore.

In response to the opposition, the PMC will send a report on the matter to the state government for a final decision. PMC in its response has been stating that it will plant local species of trees and the ones which are being cut are bushes and foreign species.
