Pune Residents Angry as NIBM Cloud 9 Road Dug Up Again for Unauthorized Water Line : Allege Residents

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The tranquility of the newly built and recently opened NIBM Cloud 9 road in Pune has been disrupted once again, as a private builder has initiated digging activities to lay a water pipeline, much to the dismay of local residents.

This marks the second occasion within a short span of time where the builder has taken such action, as their previous attempt was swiftly foiled by vigilant residents.

Expressing his frustration, Vijay Dalvi, a resident of a nearby society, accused the builder of deliberately damaging the newly constructed road.

Social activist Yuvraj Lonkar, who is actively involved in the area, reported that the builder had made a similar attempt last week, but the residents of neighboring societies promptly intervened. He criticized the builder, stating that the water pipeline work should have been carried out during the road’s construction phase, rather than after it was opened to the public. The residents had already endured a long wait for access to this road, and any further disruption would severely impact its condition.

Rashid K, another resident from a neighboring society, confirmed that the contractor had engaged in similar activities just last week.

When residents confronted the contractor, demanding permission to lay the water pipeline, he claimed that the person responsible for granting permission was currently occupied with an examination and would provide the necessary documentation upon completion of their work.

Farida Poonawalla, a resident in close proximity, expressed her dismay, stating, “The road was closed for three months, so why didn’t the contractor carry out the work then? We already suffered greatly during the road closure, and now this digging work will undoubtedly degrade the road’s quality.”


Upon contacting Vikas Dhakne, the additional commissioner of the Pune Municipal Corporation, Pune Pulse was assured that strict action would be taken against the individual responsible for these actions.

In conversation with Pune Pulse, an engineer from the road department confirmed that the contractor had not obtained any permission from their department to excavate the road.

The residents contacted social activist Rohan Gaikwad who informed Pune Pulse that any contractor should conduct work only after procuring required permission.
