Pune : Residents of Wagholi Set to Hold Virat Jan Andolan on July 20 Against PMC

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Residents of Wagholi are gearing up for a massive protest against corruption and the lack of basic amenities such as water supply and proper roads. Organized by the group “Team Wagholi Against Corruption,” the protest will take place on July 20, 2023, at 11 am in front of the PMC headquarters in Shivajinagar.

The protest is organised by Team WACO – Team Wagholi Against Corruption and Anil Kumar Mishra demanding basic infrastructure in Wagholi.

The residents in the past have held several protests bring into fore the issues plaguing the residents. The first protest was held on 24 Dec 2022 – Bakori road, second on 20 January 2023 Vishal Janmanas Andolan and third one on 26 February 2023 virat Jan Andolan 1.0. The residents stated that since the governing agencies are neglecting the tax paying citizens and depriving them of basic amenities, it is high time to stand against the system and demand our rights.

Anil Kumar Mishra, president, Team Wagholi Against Corruption, expressed their frustration, stating that despite repeated pleas to the PMC for essential facilities like adequate roads and regular water supply, no action has been taken. Previous protests have yielded no results, leading them to stage this upcoming demonstration with the hope that the PMC will finally address and resolve these pressing issues.

The movement has garnered significant support, with more than 4,000 members backing the efforts of the Wagholi Against Corruption team. The residents of Wagholi are determined to make their voices heard and seek immediate action for the betterment of their community.
