Pune Weather Update: Pune sizzles at 37.3 degrees; Temperature rise expected

Pune: Koregaon Park Sizzles At 43.2 Degrees Celsius Today

Pune: Koregaon Park Sizzles At 43.2 Degrees Celsius Today

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Pune saw a significant increase in temperature on Tuesday, with Shivajinagar recording the highest maximum temperature of the season at 37.3 degrees Celsius. The city is expected to see highs of 37 to 38 degrees over the next three days due to the clear skies during the day, which is pushing the temperatures above average.

According to data from the India Meteorological Department (IMD), Pune city has seen an increase in both minimum and maximum temperatures over the past four to five days.

Shivajinagar recorded a temperature of 35.4 degrees Celsius on Friday, March 8. But the maximum temperature increased by almost three degrees Celsius in just four days. In comparison to a normal level, the maximum temperature on March 12 was higher than 2.1 degrees. The lowest temperature of 16 degrees Celsius was noted at the same time.

Other parts of the Pune district saw higher temperatures than Shivajinagar. The highest temperature ever recorded in Lavale was 40.1 degrees Celsius. The remaining regions experience temperatures of approximately 37 degrees Celsius.

On Tuesday, the minimum recorded the lowest temperature in the state, even though the maximum temperature was the first highest in the city this summer.

The maximum temperature has risen by more than twice as much as the minimum temperature, according to the IMD. There are clear skies right now in Pune city and the surrounding areas. Warmer winds coming from the Bay of Bengal are therefore having a significant effect on the state. The state receives moisture from the winds as well, which raises the humidity. The city’s daytime and nighttime temperatures are rising as a result, according to Anupam Kashyapi, Head of IMD Pune’s weather and forecasting division.
