Residents of Kalyani Nagar in Pune conduct footpath drive

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Kalyaninagar: A drive to keep footpaths clean and maintained was organised by the Team Swach Kalyani Nagar (TSKN) at Central Avenue, Kalyani Nagar on 28 January from 10am to 11am. Along with the TSKN members Nagarvalan school students also participated.
PMC officials, Traffic department officials and Yerawada crime department officials too had participated along with 75 members of TSKN and Nagarvalan school students.

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Drayson Dixon, a member of TSKN said, “The foopath drive was successfully People with placards in hand raised slogans.”

The drive was arranged after the footpath conditions at Kalyani Nagar worsened due to encroachments, constructions, bad conditions and unauthorised hoardings causing problem for all, especially senior citizens.

Anu Aggarwal, Chairperson of TSKN said: “One hawker had his cart vertically parked across the footpath, which forced pedestrians on the road. He flatly refused to shift his cart stating that he is authorised by PMC. Escorting police personnel and PMC staff got him to shift his cart. We face this kind of resistance everyday.”

Sathya Natarajan, national volunteer, who participated in the drive said, “This is a much needed initiative, and we hope it will bear fruit in the form of good footpaths that allow children and senior citizens to walk freely and safely in the city.”

Mrunal Jadhav 

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