Residents of Kalyani Nagar, Pune arrange a Citizens Footpath Drive on Jan 28

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Residents of Kalyani Nagar, Pune arrange a Citizens Footpath Drive on Jan 28

Kalyani Nagar: Team Swachh Kalyani Nagar (TSKN) has arranged a Citizens’ Footpath Drive at Central Avenue, Kalyani Nagar on January 28 from 10am to 11am. Along with the TSKN members, Erin N Nagarvala school students will be participating as well.

The primary goals of the drive is to highlight that footpaths are for pedestrians, identifying any tripping hazards on the footpaths and reasons for footpath construction. Atleast 75 people including school students will be part of the footpath drive, in the initiative organised by TSKN.

Drayson Dixon, a member of TSKN said, “Residents are complaining about encroachments, constructions, bad conditions, posters on footpaths and even senior citizens using footpaths are facing the problems and therefore we are conducting the drive. We had met Pune Municipal Corpora Commissioner and also asked him for help to remove encroachments, but haven’t received any positive response.”

Through this drive the residents are making people as well as authorities understand the increasing inconvenience caused to the local residents due to vendors occupying space on footpaths and Pune Municipal Corporation’s inaction. 


Mrunal Jadhav 

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