School bus driver speeds and breaks signals in Mumbai; Attendant responds “What’s The Problem ? ” 

School bus driver speeds and breaks signals in Mumbai; Attendant responds "What's The Problem ? " 

School bus driver speeds and breaks signals in Mumbai; Attendant responds "What's The Problem ? " 

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The driver of the school bus transporting students from The Scholar High School Colaba near Fashion Street and Flora Fountain is heard being questioned by a man in the video. The driver is seen in the video being accused by the man of being irresponsible and of running four red lights. The driver is seen sitting motionless and offering no justification. He is seen asking the man, “What is the problem? just let go,” as the man shifts his attention to the cleaner. To highlight the pupils, the man filming the video also zoomed in. He was observed urging the pupils to courageously speak the truth. However, students responded that they didn’t notice anything because they were too busy playing and chatting.

Mumbai records a number of accidents every day, many of which are regrettable and unavoidable, but some of which are obviously the result of poor traffic and pedestrian management. Taking over from the left, riding a two-wheeler on the wrong side of the road to avoid traffic, hopping traffic signals, parking in a double lane, parking a car in a busy area while purchasing vegetables, people crossing the street when the pedestrian signal is red, and so forth. There are countless instances where pedestrians and car drivers alike are to blame for the absurdity of traffic regulations. The worst part is that scooters parked on footpaths completely defeat the purpose of having footpaths.

Every day, school bus drivers carry out their vital and responsible duty of transporting kids safely to and from school. Parents send their kids off believing wholeheartedly that they will commute safely each day. In addition to compromising safety, school buses that disregard traffic laws are indirectly teaching their students bad habits. Although learning takes place in a classroom, it also occurs through observation of those in positions of authority in our daily lives. Because they are the ones who raise the next generation, parents and school administrators need to exercise extra caution when breaking the law.
