Shocking : Minor girl harassed near Mula river in Manjari

Shocking : Minor girl harassed near Mula river in Manjari

Shocking : Minor girl harassed near Mula river in Manjari

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A shocking case of a minor college girl being sexually assaulted by two youths has come to the fore. 

This incident occurred in the Mula riverbed of the Manjari area. Based on the complaint of the young woman, the police have registered a case under the Protection of Children from Sexual Offences (POCSO) Act 2012 against both of them.

On the pretext of cutting a birthday cake, two youths, who were friends of the victim’s friend, sexually assaulted the minor victim at a secluded place in Manjari near the Mula riverbed. The accused also threatened the victim that they will kill her if she told anyone about this.

The accused took the victim on a two-wheeler to the riverbed at night. There, she was sexually assaulted overnight. A case has been registered against both the accused with the Hadapsar police in Pune.

As soon as the police got information about this, they immediately started investigating & arrested both the accused. The police have admitted the victim to a hospital for treatment.
