Short Termination of Marathwada Express Causes Inconvenience To Passengers

Short Termination of Marathwada Express Causes Inconvenience To Passengers

Short Termination of Marathwada Express Causes Inconvenience To Passengers

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South Central Railway short-terminates popular train route, passengers inconvenienced during end of summer vacation.

8th June 2024

By Payoshi Bisht

The South Central Railway (SCR) has announced the short-termination of the Dharmabad-Manmad Marathwada Express, altering its journey up to Jalna starting Friday until 11th June. This decision comes in light of a line block scheduled for essential infrastructure works. However, the move has left passengers stranded and inconvenienced, particularly as it coincides with the end of the summer vacation period.

In response to the altered route, the Marathwada Express will only ply between Aurangabad station to Dharmabad for the return journey. This adjustment has sparked criticism from railway activists, who question the timing of the line block.

Railway activist Raj Somani expressed dismay, stating that the railway authorities could have chosen a more convenient time for the line block, considering the significant travel plans associated with the end of summer vacation. Somani highlighted the popularity of the Marathwada Express and the impact on families who had planned their return journeys using this train.

In defence of the decision, SCR authorities cited the necessity of the line block for undertaking crucial infrastructural works. Despite regretting the inconvenience caused to passengers, authorities urged affected travelers to explore alternative travel options available on the route. Additionally, affected passengers will be eligible for ticket refunds as per Indian Railways policy.

The disruption caused by the short-termination of the Marathwada Express is further exacerbated by existing overcrowding issues on trains running along the Nanded-Jalna-Aurangabad-Manmad route. Many trains on this route are already experiencing long waiting lists, adding to the difficulties faced by affected passengers.

This announcement comes amidst recent disruptions in railway services, including the conclusion of a block at Mumbai Central Railway (CR) and a freight train collision near Sirhind, which left two individuals injured. 
