SNBP International School, Rahatani hosts a G20 replica in its premises

SNBP International School, Rahatani hosts a G20 replica in its premises
In a unique educational initiative, SNBP International School, Rahatani; hosted a G20 replica, allowing students to simulate global diplomatic discussions. The event aimed to enhance students’ understanding of international relations and foster teamwork, mirroring the dynamics of the actual G20 summit.
In the presence of the eminent guests – Shri Sunil Deodhar, National Leader BJP; Air Marshal A D Joshi , PVSM VM MinD ( Retd) and Maj Gen Sanjeev Dogra NDA Chief – the students took pride in representing the G-20 replica. Shri Sunil Deodhar motivated the students with his soul stirring speech on the land of bravehearts that India is. Gen Sanjeev Dogra was highly inspired with the stellar performances of the students and guided the students on the importance of India’s rich value culture.

Formed in 1999, G20 is an organization comprising of world’s 20 largest economies. It is the premier global forum for discussing economic issues, international trade and financial stability. With twenty countries participating namely – Bharat, Argentina, Saudi Arabia, Brazil, Russia, Canada, Germany, France, South Korea, Indonesia, Japan, South Africa, Mexico, United States of America, Turkey, China, United Kingdom, Italy and European Union; the students aptly took up the roles of the presidents and their delegates focusing on the six major agendas of G20.

Simultaneously did the country stalls focus on educating people about the flora, fauna, culture, cuisine and people of their respective countries.
The esteemed guests, parents and students, praised the initiative for its innovative approach to experiential learning. The event ended with a celebratory dance which heightened the patriotic feel for the countrymen.