State electoral data includes over 6 lakh people in Feb 2024

State electoral data includes over 6 lakh people in Feb 2024

State electoral data includes over 6 lakh people in Feb 2024

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Maharashtra registered almost six lakh voters in February ahead of the Lok Sabha polls, state election officials revealed on Friday that two lakh more voters may be added shortly.

Across the state, more than eight lakh applications have been submitted to register new voters. All district offices have completed 5.73 lakh new voter registration applications.

Election officials reported that a good number of applications, both online and offline, have been received as a result of the ongoing voter registration drive. Since the results of the LS polls will soon be announced, the election offices have been instructed to process applications within the allotted time.

In all, 14.71 lakh applications for voter registration, deletion, and address changes were received by the state last month. In all categories, officials have already approved 9.84 lakh applications.

As of January 24, 2024, the state had 9.01 crore registered voters, according to a list.
According to the chief election officer of Maharashtra, all applications are being processed within the allotted time frames. There has been progress in registering new voters.

Applications are accepted up until the nomination deadline. The deadline for submitting voter applications to be added to the voter list will be announced along with the election schedule.

Since the legal procedure takes seven days, all forms will be processed approximately one week before the deadline for nominations.

Furthermore, the state received 1.87 lakh applications, of which 1.04 lakh were approved, for the removal of voter names.

All states have been instructed by the Election Commission of India (ECI) to guarantee voter registration and an accurate voter list. There are attempts underway to remove duplicate names and deceased voters’ names from the voter list in order to purify it.

Up until the end of February, 60,767 applications had been cleared; 22,200 forms still needed to be cleared; 16,300 forms were scheduled for deletion. Before polls are announced, the Election Commission will still accept forms both offline and online. At that point, the deadline for applications will be made clear.
