Surgeons in Chennai hospital utilize Apple Vision Pro headset for Laparoscopic surgeries

Surgeons in Chennai hospital utilize Apple Vision Pro headset for Laparoscopic surgeries

Surgeons in Chennai hospital utilize Apple Vision Pro headset for Laparoscopic surgeries

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Surgeons at GEM Hospital in Chennai have embraced cutting-edge technology by incorporating Apple Vision Pro mixed reality headsets into their surgical procedures. These headsets facilitate laparoscopic surgeries, ranging from gall bladder procedures to treatments for stomach cancer, fistulas, and hernias.

Dr R Parthasarathy, a surgical gastroenterologist and the COO of GEM Hospitals, highlighted the significant advantages offered by these high-tech devices.

According to Dr Parthasarathy, the Apple Vision Pro headset enhances surgical precision and efficiency by providing real-time visualization of laparoscopic procedures.

Surgeons can seamlessly transition between viewing the laparoscopic surgery on a monitor and accessing additional medical imaging, such as CT scans and MRI scans, directly through the headset. This advanced functionality eliminates the need for surgeons to constantly turn towards a single monitor during surgery, improving ergonomics and reducing neck strain.

The Apple Vision Pro headset, launched in the US in February, represents the forefront of mixed reality technology. Priced at $3499, it offers seamless integration between the real and digital worlds, making it an ideal tool for professional use in surgical settings. While not yet officially available in India, the headset’s innovative features have revolutionized the way surgeons approach laparoscopic surgeries at GEM Hospital.

By leveraging the capabilities of the Apple Vision Pro headset, surgeons can enhance their visualization and decision-making during complex procedures, ultimately improving patient outcomes. This integration of advanced technology underscores the hospital’s commitment to delivering state-of-the-art healthcare services to patients in Chennai and beyond.
