Toyota Mobility Foundation Funds Sustainable Mobility Solutions For Varanasi, Detroit and Venice

Toyota Mobility Foundation Funds Sustainable Mobility Solutions For Varanasi, Detroit and Venice

Toyota Mobility Foundation Funds Sustainable Mobility Solutions For Varanasi, Detroit and Venice

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Varanasi grapples with the influx of pilgrims and tourists, particularly in its ancient Kashi district. The challenge here will revolve around creating data-driven solutions that enhance safety and accessibility in these crowded areas.

4 June 2024

By Ishika Kumar

Imagine navigating the bustling streets of Varanasi, which is a sacred Indian city teeming with pilgrims and people from all over the world, or imagine traversing the historic canals of Venice amidst gondolas and tourists. 

Now, consider the challenges of managing mobility in these densely populated destinations. This is precisely the focus of a groundbreaking initiative by the Toyota Mobility Foundation (TMF).

TMF has launched a $9 million global program called the Sustainable Cities Challenge, designed to foster healthier, safer urban environments through innovative transportation solutions. Three cities selected for the same are Varanasi (India), Detroit (USA) and Venice (Italy). These have been chosen from a pool of over 150 contenders to spearhead this exciting project.

Unique Challenges and A Shared Vision

Each city faces distinct mobility hurdles. Varanasi grapples with the influx of pilgrims and tourists, particularly in its ancient Kashi district. The challenge here will revolve around creating data-driven solutions that enhance safety and accessibility in these crowded areas.

Detroit, the iconic “Motor City,” seeks to solidify its commitment to sustainable transportation. Their challenge targets the Eastern Market, a crucial food distribution centre. The focus will be on identifying cost-effective, clean freight technologies to reduce dependence on fossil fuels.

Venice, which is famed for its romantic canals, also battles modern mobility issues and infrastructure deterioration. With a significant population residing on the mainland, the city aims to encourage sustainable options like cycling and electric public transport.

Collaborative Efforts for a Greener Future

The selection of these diverse cities reflects TMF’s commitment to tackling a wide spectrum of mobility challenges. Importantly, the chosen locations also demonstrate a strong potential for impactful and sustainable solutions through global and local collaborations.


Varanasi’s participation in the Sustainable Cities Challenge is particularly noteworthy. As a prominent heritage city, it balances the vibrancy of tourism with the need to preserve its cultural and religious significance. It is a decision which has personified innovation meeting tradition. The Varanasi City Challenge, launching on 27th June, 2024, seeks innovative, data-driven solutions that leverage technology and design to address safety and accessibility concerns in the crowded old city.

A Global Pursuit for Solutions

The three chosen cities will launch their challenges over the next two months, inviting innovators worldwide to develop the solutions. The most promising proposals will be implemented with support from city authorities. With a total of $9 million in funding available, these projects hold immense potential to transform urban mobility.

Looking Beyond the Horizon

Pras Ganesh, Executive Program Director of TMF, emphasises the importance of mobility freedom and its ability to unlock opportunities for individuals and communities. He highlights the collaboration with partners like World Resources Institute and Challenge Works, underlining the program’s commitment to finding innovative solutions.

A Way for Global Impact

Vikram Gulati, Country Head and Executive Vice President for Corporate Affairs and Governance at Toyota Kirloskar Motor, expresses his enthusiasm for Varanasi’s inclusion. He emphasises Toyota’s dedication to redefining mobility through sustainable urban transportation solutions. The Varanasi challenge exemplifies this vision by fostering collaboration between innovative minds and local stakeholders. Ultimately, the project aims to not only benefit Varanasi but also contribute to a global movement towards creating more sustainable urban environments.

The selected innovators will be announced later this year, with winning solutions receiving a share of $3 million per city for piloting and demonstration. The ultimate goal is to identify scalable and replicable solutions that can be implemented not only in these pilot cities but also in other urban centres around the world. The Toyota Mobility Foundation’s Sustainable Cities Challenge presents a unique opportunity for global collaboration, technological innovation and a greener future for our cities.
