Voice out concerns about dilapidated electric poles: PMC

Pune Municipal Corporation’s electrical department has informed that the citizens can now report about the dilapidated electric poles in their area. In case the citizens find any pole which is causing shock, rusted poles, broken junction box, feeder, pillars etc, the citizens can complain about them to PMC.
The civic body has issued toll free numbers where citizens can report about them.
Toll Free Number – 18001030222 / 18008338811
WhatsApp Number – 9689900002
Skada Room – 9822098293
PMC has also appealed to the citizens and Ganesh mandals not to disrupt the electrical poles. Maintain safe distance between poles and mandap, said PMC’s statement. Electrical connection must be taken from MSEDCL and not from electrical poles, feeder and junction box, it added.