Weather Update : Pune to receive moderate intense spell to very intense spell of rain : IMD

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The Pune district is currently under radar as meteorological authorities have issued weather alerts for the region. On 27th June, a yellow alert was issued for the adjacent ghat areas, while the city area is under an orange alert.

The cloud cover is primarily concentrated in the western part of the district. However, due to strong westerly winds originating from the Arabian Sea, more moisture is expected to converge, resulting in increased cloud formation. Consequently, more rain is anticipated in the city, district, and the state as a whole.

The weather advisories highlight the likelihood of several moderate to intense, or even very intense, spells of rain. During periods of intense rainfall, visibility may be significantly reduced, and roads could become slippery, leading to the presence of potholes. Motorists are advised to exercise caution, drive slowly, and be aware of traffic conditions. It is also recommended to avoid visiting the adjacent ghat areas in the coming days, as isolated heavy to very heavy rainfall is predicted in those regions.

Continuous rainfall in the upcoming days could lead to water stagnation in low-lying areas and the potential uprooting of trees. Additionally, kaccha makan (temporary structures) may develop cracks due to the persistent rain. Authorities will provide impact-based forecasts and advisories periodically to support and guide the general public. It is crucial to stay updated with the latest information and take prompt action accordingly.

Residents and visitors in Pune are advised to stay vigilant, follow weather updates, and take necessary precautions to ensure their safety during this period of expected heavy rainfall.
