Aam Aadmi Party’s pan India ‘Modi Hatao, Desh Bachao’ campaign targeting PM begins in Pune

Aam Aadmi Party's pan India 'Modi Hatao, Desh Bachao' campaign targeting PM begins in Pune1
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The Aam Aadmi Party, Pune launched ‘Modi Hatao, Desh Bacaho’ on Thursday, March 30. The campaign is against the Modi government’s anti-constitutional and anti-people policies, its oppressive methods, inflation, corruption, and its tendency to prioritise the interests of a few large industrialists. In Pune, state organiser and city president of the AAP, Vijay Kumbhar, is leading the campaign and briefed media about the campaign in a press conference held at Patrakar Bhavan on Thursday.

According to Kumbhar, under this campaign, posters and banners have been made in 11 different languages including Marathi, Hindi, English, Telugu, Malayalam, Kannada,Odia, Gujrati, Punjabi, Urdu and Bengali. As far as Pune city is concerned, at many places posters have already put up with slogan ‘Modi Hatao,Desh Bacaho’ .

In the struggle for independence, many martyrs climbed the gallows with a smile on their face. Their dream was that India will become an educated and progressive nation. There should be no need for the poor to wander in search of money to treat their illnesses. The youth should find employment, and farmers should receive fair prices for their crops. However, with Modi in power, this dream cannot be fully realised.

“When the British government was in power, no letters were delivered, no papers were printed, and newspapers did not circulate. This was because the British had imposed restrictions. To suppress the voice of the brave soldiers fighting for independence in the freedom struggle, the British enacted many unjust laws, and even today, the throats of the common people of the country are being choked by such unjust laws,’’ said Kumbhar.


In Delhi, almost 138 FIR’s have been registered against posters like ‘Modi Hatao,Desh Bachao’. Even in British rule such a large number of FIRs were never filed for such posters.  
