AAP demands stern action against negligent water tanker drivers

Fatal accidents have occurred in many parts of Pune as tanker drivers have been careless to not abide by the safety rules. Four people reportedly died in such mishaps in Pune City in this summer. In order to stop any further fatality, Vijay Kumbhar,(AAP State Organizer), Shrikant Acharya (AAP Transport Wing State President), Eknath Dhole (AAP Pune City Organizer), and Anand Ankush (AARCS Pune Secretary) urged the city and regional transport officers to look into this matter urgently.

“As a preventive measure, stern actions must be taken against water tankers that are leaking and are of devoid of internal compartments and speed limiters. Also, a case of culpable homicide must be registered against the officials who neglected such accidents”, demands Shrikant Acharya.
In a letter AAP received this week from the Assistant Commissioner of the Regional Transport Department, it conveyed that a squad has been directed to mitigate such and similar situations. Thus far, *17 tanker owners have been penalized*, while others will be prosecuted soon.
After the Aam Aadmi Party’s criticism, the RTO ordered action against the negligent water tanker owner, drivers in Pune; 17 have been penalized so far
“We will continue to pursue action against the offenders in this case. The RTO department will also get assistance on our behalf if necessary”, says Vijay Kumbhar.