Activists Call for Environmental Commitments in Political Manifestos

Activists Call for Environmental Commitments in Political Manifestos

Activists Call for Environmental Commitments in Political Manifestos

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In a letter addressed to all political parties, activists emphasized the importance of including environmental protection measures in their manifestos for the upcoming Lok Sabha election. B.N. Kumar, Director of NatConnect Foundation, highlighted the need for politicians to be accountable for environmental conservation, stating, “Violations begin at the top.”

Kumar expressed regret that despite awareness of the need to protect nature, politicians often prioritize short-term gains over environmental sustainability. He cited examples such as the Chardham Highway project and reckless development in the Mumbai Metropolitan Region, which led to ecological damage.

He also criticized the lack of independent audits for projects causing environmental destruction, pointing out the disconnect between political leaders and the consequences of nature degradation.

Sagar Shakti’s Pawar emphasized that degradation of the environment would ultimately affect everyone’s lives, urging political leaders to prioritize environmental protection. Godfrey Pimenta, representing India’s National Green Party, stressed the importance of making political leaders accountable for the environmental consequences.

Primenta highlighted the interconnectedness of environmental issues with daily life, particularly in areas like air, water, forests, and land. He called for urgent action to preserve Maharashtra’s rich biodiversity and address pollution threats to oceans, mangroves, and rivers.

Furthermore, activists petitioned the National Green Tribunal to save sensitive ecological areas threatened by development projects. They emphasized the need for citizen engagement and adherence to environmental regulations in urban development decisions.

Jyoti Nadkarni of Kahagar Wetlands and Hills stressed the importance of sustainable development, cautioning against the destruction of nature for short-term gains. She urged politicians to prioritize defined commitments and objectives in their manifestos.

Activist Naresh Chandra Singh highlighted the need for concrete actions rather than vague promises from political candidates. He cited delays in conserving wetlands due to bureaucratic negligence as examples of the consequences of political inaction.

 Activists urged voters to elect a government committed to environmental preservation and inclusive decision-making processes in urban development. They emphasized that sustainable development is essential for the well-being of all.
