Audit of schools must be held comupulsorily ; appealed Yogesh Tilekar

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For the last one year, parents across the country are protesting against the unjustified fees charged by various schools. 

Though the classes are held online, there have been several cases where the schools have charged exorbitant and failing to pay them, the authorities have gone ahead by even discontinuing the academic classes of that child.

Several instances have been reported in Pune too, to protest against this unjustified fees, parents organisation, along with former Member of Legislative Assembly Of Hadapsar constituency Yogesh Tilekar held protest outside education boards office in Pune today, May 17, 2021. Members of Savitri Sanman Foundation, parents staged protest outside the deputy director, Education boards office in Pune. 

The members who protested had some demands such as : 
Stern action is needed against schools overcharging fees 
Schools taking up online Education should reduce the fees and action should be taken against those schools have hiked the fees. 

Quarterly audit of schools must be done 
School fees should be justified with the kind of activities that are held 
Action against Hutchings school as it did not allow students to attend online classes and without giving them the report card the students were failed in the annual examination
Action against Education board an schools not following the Hon’ble Supreme Courts judgement 

Ex MLA of Hadapsar Constituency Yogesh Tilekar said, “Children are going through a trauma when the schools do not allow them to attend online classes. Schools who behave with such arrogance and give unfair treatment should be severely punished. Today, we had several parents who were opposing such unfair treatment  being given to them. The order issued by the deputy director clearly states that schools should allow students who attend online schools. Also, audit of last three years must be conducted.” 
