Cafe Mocha in Ahmedabad faces backlash for serving non-veg instead of veg burger

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In a recent incident at the Gulbai Tekra branch of Cafe Mocha in Ahmedabad, customers were served non-vegetarian food instead of the vegetarian option they had ordered, sparking controversy. 

Vitasta Vyas, along with her companions Ruchita Shah, Vela Pandya, and Arjvi Shah, visited the cafe on Wednesday evening and placed an order for veg burgers. However, upon receiving their order, they discovered that the burgers contained non-veg patties. 

Vitasta Vyas recounted the incident to the media, stating that two of her friends had consumed half of the burger before realizing it contained non-vegetarian ingredients. When they brought the matter to the attention of the restaurant manager, he initially denied any mistake. However, after a prolonged argument, the cafe management eventually acknowledged their error.

Following the incident, the matter was reported to the Food Department of the Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation (AMC). Subsequently, the AMC imposed a fine of Rs. 5000 on the cafe for the oversight. This incident has once again highlighted the importance of quality control and accuracy in food service establishments, prompting concerns among consumers about the reliability of food orders in restaurants and cafes.
