Equine waste mixing in Mahabaleshwar’s Venna Lake, spreading diseases : Reveals Study
According to a study by centre for sustainable development of Gokhale Institute of Politics and Economics, various diseases have been spreading through Venna Lake in Mahabaleshwar, a well-liked tourist destination, for years due to horse excrement (equine waste) getting mixed into the water.
The research team determined that a variety of health problems occurred including typhoid, acute respiratory and fungal infections, food poisoning, diarrhea, and food poisoning. Even children who had received vaccinations were experiencing severe rotavirus infections, which required extended hospital stays.
Venna Lake, Mahabaleshwar and Panchagani’s main source of drinking water, was one of the many sources of water from which extensive samples were taken for the study. There were high levels of contamination in the groundwater, homes, businesses and water treatment facilities. The presence of horses close to Venna Lake was thought to be the cause of the equine waste getting mixed into the water.
The research team traveled to Mahabaleshwar and painstakingly examined hospital and clinic records in Panchgani and Mahabaleshwar to determine the cause and scope of the diseases.
Equine waste, which is known to contain bacteria and viruses, was also discovered along Mahabaleshwar’s roads and water pipelines, according to a senior official of the Centre for Sustainable Development, aggravating the contamination. They suggested to the local government more suitable sites for equestrian-related operations, like riding and training facilities.
The intention was to divert horse dung from the water source. A plant that could produce biogas and electricity from horse waste was also proposed.