Good News ! Indian Navy Veterans Detained in Qatar Return Home

Good News ! Indian Navy Veterans Detained in Qatar Return Home

Good News ! Indian Navy Veterans Detained in Qatar Return Home

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Eight former Indian Navy officers, who were arrested in Qatar on charges of alleged spying last year, have now been released and returned to India. The news has brought immense relief to their families, who received the update late on Sunday.

Seven of the eight men, including Captains Navtej Gill and Saurabh Vasisht, and Commanders Amit Nagpal, Sugunakar Pakala, and Sanjeev Gupta, have already arrived in Delhi. The return of Commander Purnendu Tiwari is also anticipated soon, although the reason for his delay is unclear at the moment.

The families expressed gratitude towards the Indian Prime Minister and the Emir of Qatar for their intervention in securing the release. The men, who were employees of a Doha-based company, had initially been sentenced to death but the punishment was later reduced to imprisonment between three and 25 years.

While the details of the release process remain unknown, the Indian Ministry of External Affairs welcomed the decision and appreciated the Emir’s involvement in bringing the men home. This happy ending brings relief and joy to the families and marks a positive development in India-Qatar relations. 
