Kolhapur News: Car Hits Four, Three Dead; Disturbing Video Emerges

Kolhapur News: Car Hits Four, Three Dead; Disturbing Video Emerges

Kolhapur News: Car Hits Four, Three Dead; Disturbing Video Emerges

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A horrific accident in Kolhapur city has gone viral on social media. The incident occurred at the Cyber Chowk area, where a car reportedly mowed down four people. Three individuals, including the driver, have died, and five others are injured. Additionally, three motorcycles and another car sustained significant damage. The accident caused a massive traffic jam at the intersection. If you have a weak heart, it is advised not to watch the video.

In the afternoon, several people were crossing the road on their motorcycles at Cyber Chowk. The traffic was moving slowly, and vehicles were proceeding as space allowed. Suddenly, a speeding car collided with two to three motorcycles, causing the riders to be thrown several feet away. Some people were seriously injured due to the impact. Fortunately, a young girl was seen to have survived. Local residents helped transport the injured to the hospital, but three individuals were declared dead. Police from Rajarampuri and the city’s traffic department were trying to alleviate the traffic congestion. The scene attracted a large crowd, resulting in chaos.

The deceased driver has been identified as Vasant Chavan, aged 72. The accident occurred due to his loss of control over the vehicle. The police are now questioning his family to determine if he had any medical conditions. Vasant Chavan was a retired acting Vice-Chancellor of Shivaji University. Another victim, former Pro-Vice-Chancellor of Shivaji University V.M. Chavan, also died in the accident. It has been revealed that V.M. Chavan was driving despite being unwell.

Following the accident, neither an ambulance nor basic medical assistance was available for the injured and deceased. This forced the police and citizens to transport the bodies and injured individuals in any available vehicle. This lack of proper emergency response has sparked outrage among the public, who are expressing their anger over the mishandling of the situation.
