Maharashtra govt announces weekend lockdown; stricter rules from Monday

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An urgent meeting was called today afternoon which saw presence of several ministers from across the state. In view of the spike in Covid19 cases in the state, the government has decided to act tough and impose several restrictions on movement.

These new guidelines shall be known, ‘Break The Chain’ and not ‘Mission Begin Again’, which was termed earlier.

These restrictions shall remain in force from Monday April 5, 2021, 8 pm onwards while the strict lockdown shall be implemented during the weekend (Friday evening 8 pm to Monday morning 7 am).

Below are some of the curbs on movements :


Prohibitory orders issued under section 144 to be in force during the day time, while night curfew shall remain in force at night. Other than medical emergencies, nobody will be allowed to be outside their homes.

Auto, taxi, buses to run with 50% capacity.

Private offices, restaurants, cinema halls to remain closed.

Farming related activities, public and private transport to function smoothly.

Parks and playgrounds to be closed. Night curfew from 8pm to 7am.

Only essential services will be permitted to remain open during the period such as grocery stores, medical stores, vegetable stores.

Only essential services such as banks, mediclaim offices. telephone services, stock markets, insurance companies, water department, disaster management, power supply shall be allowed to remain open.

Salons, beauty parlour to remain closed. Swimming pools, sports ground, auditoriums, water parks, cinema halls, multiplexes to remain closed. Vaccination of the employees is a must.

All religious places shall remain open only for the priests and not devotees.

Refreshment centers, hotels, restaurants, bars to remain closed – ONLY Parcel services to remain functional for food delivery and take awayfrom 7 am to 8 pm.

Roadside eateries / stalls shall remain open from 7 am to 8 pm. Patrons awaiting their parcel should follow social distancing. If they are found violating the rules, they shall face strict action.

E-commerce employees offering delivery services should get themselves vaccinated. If they are found not following, the organisation shall be fined Rs 10,000 fine and the individual Rs 1000. The delivery can be scheduled between 7 am to 8 pm only.

Private coaching classes to remain closed

A residential society having more than 5 patient, then the building shall be termed as a Mini Containment Zone. Board displaying this information shall be put up on the society gate and entry for outsiders shall remain prohibited.

RTPCR test shall be compulsory for employees working on the television and film set. The implementation shall begin from April 10, 2021.
