Man’s Mental Health changed for better shifting from India to US Sparks Discussion

Man's Mental Health changed for better shifting from India to US Sparks Discussion

Man's Mental Health changed for better shifting from India to US Sparks Discussion

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A user’s post on social media about his improved mental health after moving from India to the United States has ignited a conversation online. The discussion stemmed from a post on men’s mental health, where one user mentioned the need for men to address their mental well-being.

The user responded to this, sharing how his mental health significantly improved upon relocating to the US. He attributed this improvement to engaging in household chores like cooking, washing dishes, and vacuuming, which helped calm his mind and bring him joy. 

My mental health has improved by miles the moment I moved to the US because I’m back to using my hands. I’m cooking, washing dishes, vacuuming and before I know it my mind is calm and I’m humming a song. I have been the happiest building the massive load of IKEA deliveries today. ‘Busy hands, quiet mind'” the User tweeted

While some users resonated with his experience and agreed that engaging in household tasks can positively impact mental health, others questioned why he couldn’t do the same in India. 

One user asked, “Was anything stopping you from doing those when you were not in the US?” “Enough manual work in India if we want. What keeps you from doing this in India?” wrote another. “Well, somehow this feels less of empowerment and more of “majboori” because of high cost household support staff,” questioned one user. 

One user shared their own experience of cooking meals and feeling a sense of accomplishment, while another emphasized the therapeutic nature of working with one’s hands and doing household chores.

Responding to these, user shared that he is aware that he can do all these chores by himself anywhere, but he added that he felt the difference strongly once he moved to the United States. “I know being in US isn’t required to work with hands. I did my own cooking and chores when I lived away from parents in Hyderabad too. It just so happens that I felt this difference strongly when I moved abroad,” he explained

Overall, the conversation highlighted the different ways individuals cope with and improve their mental well-being, with many finding solace and satisfaction in everyday activities like cooking and cleaning.
