Marvel Isola society shows the way ahead!

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Vermiculture composting and garden waste composting pits have always been the way of life here

Eco friendly initiatives is a prime focus at Mohamadwadi’s Marvel Isola society.
The society residents have pledged to use three R’s in their life – Reduce, Reuse and Recycle. Use of plastic is minimal and is being followed strictly by the residents.

Waste management is being followed diligently. Eco-friendly methods are followed while disposing any material and most of the things are reused and recycled within the complex premises.

Materials used to beautify the society like discarded tyres, jacuzzi tubs, pipes, broken pots have been collected from the members.
Themes created inhouse with Bamboos and barks fallen off due to wind and shredded from inhouse plants are recycled and broken and dumped materials are used for beautifying backyards and utility areas.
Vermiculture composting and garden waste composting pits have always been the way of life here.

No garden waste from the apartment is dumped in the garbage. These too are collected separately and used to create fertilizer inhouse for the landscape areas.
Utilisation of STP’s recycled water is used to water the plants in Marvel Isola.

Through eco-friendly practices, the residents ensure that environment conservation is always a primary focus. Apart from this, drip irrigation is in place which is widely used while Rainwater Harvesting and Solar panels are the next projects which will be taken up shortly.
