Must Watch: Chef tries viral egg peeling hack: Does it really work?

Must Watch: Chef tries viral egg peeling hack: Does it really work?

Must Watch: Chef tries viral egg peeling hack: Does it really work?

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A viral video demonstrating a clever hack for peeling boiled eggs has caught the attention of many, including chef Anatolii Dobrovolskyi. The clip, shared on social media, shows a street vendor, believed to be Indian, effortlessly peeling a boiled egg using a simple technique that intrigued the chef enough to try it himself.

In the video, the vendor cracks the top part of the eggshell and starts peeling it with his fingers. A few seconds later, he uses a spoon to complete the process. Chef Dobrovolskyi, curious about the hack, attempts it himself and finds that it works remarkably well. 

Sharing the video, the chef wrote, “Testing the Viral Egg Peeling Lifehack! Can we really peel an egg this easily? Watch till the end for a hilarious surprise.”

The clip has garnered significant attention on social media, with many users praising the simplicity and effectiveness of the hack. One user commented, “I’ve been peeling hard-boiled eggs like this all my life. I never understood why people go the extra mile to dip in iced water. So strange. This way is 123, done. And I love eating my hardboiled eggs while they’re still hot. Mmmmmm.”

Another user added, “I thought everyone did this.” 

However, some users claimed that peeling eggs with bare hands is faster than using a spoon. 

One remarked, “I can do it faster with my hands.”

Giving a shout-out to the chef, a user said, “Even though he’s the chef, he won’t stop learning. Come on guys.” 

Another added, “I’m grateful for social media education.”

The viral video not only showcases an effective life hack but also highlights the power of social media in sharing useful tips and techniques that can simplify everyday tasks.
