Navi Mumbai Police launch WhatsApp channel, 24*7 helpline to combat rising losses to cyber frauds
This move came as cyber frauds looting INR 1 crore per day on average in 2024 were reported by Navi Mumbai residents.
August 15, 2024
In a significant step to address the rise in cybercrimes, financial scams, and issues related to women’s safety, the Navi Mumbai Police inaugurated a new WhatsApp channel and helpline on Wednesday, August 13.
This move came as cyber frauds looting INR 1 crore per day on average in 2024 were reported by Navi Mumbai residents. As per reports, the crime statistics in the first seven months of 2024 show that the amount lost in cyber fraud is 13 times more than previous years. This signifies the need to educate the citizens about various cyber frauds and changing trends in online scams.
The initiative was launched by the State Director General of Police, Rashmi Shukla, at the CIDCO Exhibition Centre in Vashi. The event was attended by Police Commissioner Milind Bharambe and senior officers from the Crime Branch, including Deepak Sakore.
During the inauguration, Shukla advised young women to be cautious about posting personal photos online, highlighting that such images can be exploited by cybercriminals for blackmail and sextortion. Shukla urged individuals not to share their location or personal information with strangers on social media and to communicate any concerns to their parents first before contacting the police.
The WhatsApp channel, which is a one-way communication, will play a crucial role in this endeavour by keeping citizens informed and alert to the methods used by cybercriminals.
Moreover, to let the people seek help too, they have launched a helpline number- 8828112112. The emergency number is 112 and hence the administration chose this helpline number which has 112 in the end so that makes it easy to recollect.
It will also create awareness about various types of online scams and measures adopted by scammers to loot citizens. People can contact the helpline number, which will operate 24×7, to clear any doubts and seek guidance related to cyber and financial fraud.
The helpline center will have five trained people who will guide the people with what to do if they have fallen prey to any cyber and financial fraud.
The launch event saw a considerable turnout, including prominent local figures and college students, reflecting the community’s engagement with this crucial issue. The response to this pilot project in Navi Mumbai will be evaluated to determine its potential for broader implementation across the state.
The data further stated that till July this year, around 1100 cases were lodged which included chain robbery, dacoity, robbery, thefts, and motor vehicle thefts. These cases had amounted to a loss of Rs 13.67 crore.
In comparison, there were only 249 cases of cyber fraud, but the amount citizens lost was nearly Rs 168 crore. This indicates that the amount lost in cyber fraud is much more than what is lost in other thefts.