New Traffic Challan System: Rs 10,000 penalty for vehicles without valid PUC at petrol pumps automatically

New Traffic Challan System: Rs 10,000 penalty for vehicles without valid PUC at petrol pumps automatically

New Traffic Challan System: Rs 10,000 penalty for vehicles without valid PUC at petrol pumps automatically

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A new system aimed at enforcing traffic regulations is set to automatically fine vehicles lacking a valid Pollution Under Control (PUC) certificate, even at petrol pumps. To combat the issue of vehicles operating without proper certification, this automated system is being developed to impose penalties on offenders.

Up to Rs 10,000 Penalty

Vehicles found without a valid pollution certificate could face penalties of up to ₹10,000.

The fine for not possessing a pollution certificate is set at ₹10,000.

Despite the certificate’s importance, many drivers often forget to renew it.

Now, vehicles without a current certificate will be flagged for registration blacklisting.

Beware at Petrol Pumps

Sophisticated cameras will track vehicle registration numbers.

All vehicles, including those running on gasoline and diesel, will be monitored at petrol pumps.

The system will automatically verify the pollution certificate status of each vehicle.

Drivers will receive fines directly to their phones if their certificate has expired.

Time to Renew for Drivers

Drivers will receive notifications prompting them to renew their certificates by the next day or evening.

A brief window will be provided for drivers to update their pollution certifications.

Failure to renew on time will result in a ₹10,000 fine sent directly to the driver’s phone.

Promoting Compliance with Pollution Regulations

This automated system aims to enforce pollution rules effectively by providing a warning period before imposing fines. It encourages drivers to maintain cleaner vehicles, thereby contributing to safer roads through proactive monitoring and enforcement.
