PCMC appeals to citizens to join Earth Hour initiative on March 25 

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Today, people around the world are joining together to participate in Earth Hour, a global initiative to raise awareness about climate change and encourage individuals and businesses to take action to reduce their carbon footprint. Earth Hour, which takes place annually on the last Saturday in March, invites people to turn off non-essential lights for one hour, from 8:30pm to 9:30pm in their local time zone.

The initiative, which began in Sydney, Australia in 2007, has grown to become a worldwide movement, with millions of people across over 180 countries participating in previous years. This year, despite the ongoing pandemic, individuals and communities are still finding ways to participate and spread the message of environmental sustainability.

By participating in Earth Hour, individuals can take a simple but powerful step towards reducing their impact on the environment. Turning off non-essential lights for one hour can save energy and reduce greenhouse gas emissions, while also sending a message to leaders and policymakers that people around the world care about the health of our planet.

Earth Hour also serves as a reminder of the importance of taking action to address climate change, not just during one hour each year, but every day. There are many actions individuals can take, such as using public transportation, reducing meat consumption, and supporting renewable energy sources, that can have a positive impact on the environment.

“Citizens can do their bit towards environment conservation by joining in the movement and turn off their non-essential lights for one hour tonight from 8:30pm to 9:30pm local time” said Sanjay Kulkarni, Head, Environmental Department, PCMC. 

Nividita Kelapure 
