PMC is likely to complete asphalting of Wanawadi road within 15 days

PMC is likely to complete asphalting of Wanawadi road within 15 days (1)
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Pune Municipal Corporation (PMC) officials confirmed that, asphalting of road approaching to new bridge over Bhairoba nullah near the Ganga satellite housing society in Wanwadi likely to complete within next 15 days.
Kiran Kalshetti, an engineer at PMC’s road department told that,“There is no mention of asphalting of roads in tender. They have approached us to do asphalting but since the last 10 days our plant is dysfunctional. Plant likely to start by Monday, February 20, then only we can do it.’’ We will finish it by the next 15 days, Kalsheti added.

PMC had completed construction of the bridge by increasing height in order to get rid of the water logging in the riverbed during monsoon season.The approach road was dug up for the lying of the drainge lines.

However due to the dysfunctional asphalt plant there is delay in work as a result of which there is delay in opening of new bridge, allege local residents.
